Risk Assessment for COVID-19
Common Symptoms
- Cold and Flu
- Fever,
- Tiredness,
- Dry cough.
- Aches and pains,
- Nasal congestion,
- Runny nose,
- Sore throat or Diarrhea.
- Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment.
- Around 1 out of every 6 people gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill due to breathing difficulties with Fever, cough, throat infection.
- These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually.
- Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don’t feel unwell.
- Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol based hand rub or wash with soap and water.
- Maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) social distance.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid handshake with others.
- Make sure everyone around, follow good respiratory hygiene by covering mouth and nose by bent elbow or tissue or nose mask or handkerchief at the time of coughing or sneezing. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
- Safe to Stay @ home if anyone have mild fever, cough and difficulty while breathing & seek medical assistance ASAP.
- Keep up to date on the latest COVID-19 hotspots (cities or local areas where COVID-19 is spreading widely). Avoid traveling to places – especially senior citizens’ diabetic, having heart or lung diseases.
Must Avoid, serious effects against COVID-2019 and can be more harmful:
- Smoking
- Using unhygienic masks
- Taking antibiotics
- Engaging in huge crowds. Attending parties.
- Close movement with recent travelers
- Hiding travel history with your employers, health care provider.
- Hiding or not disclosing non routine health conditions
- Closely moving with family members while suffering with common symptoms
- Avoid outside food, carelessness in personal Hygiene
Actions required at all Project Sites
Create Awareness & Communication
- Daily briefing on the COVID-19 precautions to all the workers, staff & other stake holders.
- Display signage and advisories to wash hands at conspicuous places
- Arrangements/ provisions to conduct temperature checks with non-contact infrared thermometer daily before entering the project/ office.
- Isolate if anybody found with fever temperature more than 380 C/ 100.40 F
- Arrange isolation place with bed, separate urinal and toilet and cooking facilities to prevent spread of COVID-19
Hygiene- Very Important
- Organize to clean toilets and bathrooms regularly.
- Ensure hand wash with soap / hand sanitizer
- Avoid meetings & gathering
- Do the needful to eliminate panic situations & baseless beliefs.
- Display & communicate the Contact details of ERT & Facility Center, hospital
- Establish a communication protocol and promptly evacuate affected persons in ambulance ASAP for the Hospital.
- Sanitize the isolated area & all the places where the effected person moved & come in contact with different surfaces (doors, handles, walls, materials etc.)
- Inform family members & track the developments of the cases shifted to medical assistance.
Update information to PM, JV Directors, CMC and Client after verification.
Do’s & Don’t
- Do report if anyone is noticed with COVID 19 symptoms or any no routine health conditions
- Do report if you traveled from the country affected by COVID-19 with in past 30 days even without any symptoms.
- Do track the suspect or identified person until recovery
- Do stay hydrated
- Do maintain good hygiene for immunity
- Do drink sufficient hot water
- Don’t create panic situations.
- Do not encourage to spread rumors
- Don’t forward unverified messages
- Don’t give wrong information on the travel history or symptoms
- Don’t spit or throw trash in public places
- Do not use unhygienic masks
- Do not throw the used tissue papers openly
- Do not shake hands
How COVID-19 Spread
- COVID 19 spreads from an infected person to another and essentially needs liquid droplets to thrive.
- Aerosol carrying minute droplets & the virus is released through sneeze, cough or talking. This aerosol may be inhaled directly by a healthy person.
- From hands of infected person, it spreads to various surfaces and in turn to hands of a healthy person. May transfer during handshakes or hugging.
- Healthy person touches surface with hands and later brings to his mouth / nose or eyes.
- Virus finds a new host and infects this healthy person who in turn may affect others.
- Shelf life of virus is 14 days after which it subsides. If not managed in time, during these 14 days it can damage pulmonary system causing death.
- COVID-19 is not airborne type Virus this spread from micro droplets can avoid it using Proper Mask and Social Distancing.
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